Motivational Videos

Our Journeys and Stories 

The following stories highlight our journeys and the journeys of some of the parents we serve.  We hope that this will help you see that you are not alone.

Fatima's Journey - Fatima Molas


Fatima's Journey - Fatima Molas


 My Journey To Acceptance

Delia Samuel


You Are Enough - Delia Samuel


Maren's Story - Maren Christenson


Rufo's Story - Rufo Jiru


The Ojibwe Way

An Ojibwe mother of autistic children talks about her experience of parenting  the Ojbiwe way.

Autism in the Hmong Community

A conversation between an autistic adult and a parent of an autistic child in the Hmong community.  They discuss stigma, support, and the importance of their unique cultural lens on discussions about disability.

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