Oromo Language Videos

Oromo language videos describing concepts protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as well as raising awareness and understanding the concept of elopement in autistic children

Understanding Elopement - A video for parents of autistic children (Oromo)

What is IDEA? (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) 


What is LRE? (Least Restrictive Environment)


 What is FAPE? (Free Appropriate Public Education Revised)


What is an IEP? (Individualized Education Program)


What is PWN? (Prior Written Notice) 


What to do if you Disagree with your Child's IEP?


Children's Minnesota Sensory Friendly Vaccine Clinical Social Narrative II Oromo Version


What to expect at a vaccine clinic

Oromo Community

Call To Action


Call to action for parents of autistic children in the Oromo diaspora

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