The Multicultural Autism Action Network (MAAN) works with families in under-serviced multicultural communities who are struggling to understand what services and resources are available to them.
The organization, founded by mothers of autistic children from multicultural communities, recognized that
navigating the services necessary to support children with disabilities is incredibly difficult under the best of circumstances, and the barriers to access can seem insurmountable when differences in language, culture, power dynamics, communication styles, and stigma are added to the mix.
Language barriers are a challenge for families looking to access resources. Written translations only solve part of the problem. In cases where communities rely more on the spoken word however, written communications are not the optimum solution.
Both the Oromo and Somali communities have a rich history of oral story telling traditions. In these communities, in order to increase access to resources, materials need to be accessed orally, using media such as video or voice communication.
MAAN overcomes these challenges by establishing communication channels that leverage either direct (person-to-person), video or audio media.
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